Pregnant women do not need to worry too much if they experience vaginal discharge, because generally this condition is normal. But if accompanied by changes in color, aroma, or if the fluid that comes out too much, could be a sign of health problems. Vaginal discharge is also known as leukorrhea or vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, there is an increase in hormone levels that can increase vaginal fluid production. But in certain conditions, vaginal fluid can appear due to infection. Come on, recognize the difference between normal and abnormal vaginal fluid during pregnancy. Normal vaginal fluid during pregnancy Vaginal fluid plays a role in preventing infection from entering the vagina into the uterus. In the vaginal fluid there are cells that have aged from the vagina and cervix, and there are also normal vaginal bacteria. Pregnant women do not need to worry if in the underwear to find a thin liquid which is clear or milky white, and not scented or just smell a little. Vagin...